Tag: google

  • Universal Analytics Timeline

    Universal Analytics Timeline

    Universal Analytics Timeline Well, a “timeline” in so far as it lists out the order in which releases and changes are going to happen. There aren’t any time commitments attached.

  • Enormous Photo-Driven Ads in Organic Search? Ew.

    Enormous Photo-Driven Ads in Organic Search? Ew.

    (Featured image from @ChrisDesrochers on Twitter.) Yeah you heard me. http://mashable.com/2013/10/23/google-banner-ads/ Also to a lesser extent: http://adwords.blogspot.com/2013/06/new-image-extensions-enable-you-to-show.html As an HMFWIC of pay per click within some highly competitive markets, you’d think I’d be thrilled about this. You would be mistaken. The screen shot shared by Mashable shows an enormous ad that takes up the entire top…